Visit with Katarina & Sophie Posch in Vienna, Austria
At the end of the day, Eric hired a car to drive Hugh to his hotel in Brussels to spend the night before the next leg of his journey… Vienna
Hugh made a one-day visit to Katarina Posch in Vienna, Austria. Katarina, who appears in our film, taught History of Design at Pratt Institute. Two years ago she suffered a stroke and has been living in a rehabilitation facility in her hometown of Vienna. Hugh is happy to report she’s making progress – operates a wheel chair with her head and a word processor with her eye. Writing two projects, Katarina is truly inspiring.
Hugh sends a warm thank you to Sophie Posch, Katarina’s sister, who assisted with Hugh’s visit and arranged for his stay in the fabulous old-world Hotel Schloss am Wilhelminenberg. Hugh and Team All Things Bakelite: The Age of Plastic wishes Katarina continuing success.