As you may recall from our April Newsletter, Marc and Hugh visited the Science History Institute (formerly the Chemical Heritage Foundation) in Philadelphia.
Hugh returned to the Institute May 9th for their “Heritage Day”. The event included awards, dinners and a screening of the documentary, The Instrumental Chemist, about Arnold O. Beckman and his important inventions. The producers are presently negotiating with a distributor and are editing the film down to a shorter length for the education market.
Hugh caught up with Brigitte Van Tiggelen, the Institute’s European representative, who showed our film in Norway last August, Gary Patterson, member of the Institute Board of Directors and Prof. Edward Werner Cook, who has been showing our film to his chemistry students at Tunxis Community College in Connecticut. \

Hugh met several new folks including retiring Institute Board of Directors member biochemist Sharon Haynie. At the other awards dinner, Hugh sat beside Bill Suits of the North Jersey Section of the American Chemical Society. They discussed a screening of our film for his group in the fall.